La Clinica’s school-based health center located at Phoenix Elementary provides comprehensive, quality health care that is convenient for students and affordable for parents. We bring the doctor’s office into the school so students can be seen by a medical provider right when they need care and without missing school. Youth at participating schools are eligible for services regardless of income or insurance coverage and are seen on a drop-in, as-needed basis, or by appointment.
Pre-Visit Packet in English and Spanish: Click here.
La Clinica began a dental outreach program for schools in August 2004 with funding from the Reed and Carolee Walker Fund through the Oregon Community Foundation. Since its inception, this program has provided dental education, screening services, and dental care to more than 28,000 children in our community.
Children at participating schools receive the following:
- Dental Health Education
- Screening and Fluoride Treatments
- Sealant
- Case Management and Referral
To enroll your child, please download and complete a registration packet here and return it to the office at your child's school. This packet must be completed before our visit to your child’s school. Packets are also available at schools. For information about our schedule at your child’s school, contact the school or call us at 541-414-1575.